Oct 01, 2009 14:10
Beth and I played two games of Dominion with the following card set:
Cost 2: Cellar
Cost 3: Shanty Town, Great Hall
Cost 4: Bridge, Coppersmith, Throne Room
Cost 5: Torturer, Library, Council Room, Mine
It's not particularly clear what's the right combination strategy to use.
We're both somewhat unimpressed by Coppersmith: Under "ideal" circumstances, it shows up with 4 copper, and gives +4 money. But more typically, there are two or less copper in a hand, it's the value is more like a silver (which costs less). It can lead to an early gold (coppersmith + 3 copper on turn 3, maybe), but in this set feels like a waste of a card.
Bridge, on the other hand, seems really impressive. We had a few Throne Room/Bridge turns, resulting in buys like Province+Duchy+Estate (it was late in the game).
Shanty Town/Library seems like it should be a good combination, but didn't seem to work out all that well in practice.
We'll have to play some more games.