
Jul 29, 2007 17:17

hey hey guys. Just a quick heads up to say that I'm fine and well. Employed for the next 4 months, which should get some cash in if nothing else. Just thought I'd post a few film reviews. Mostly because I can.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Dark, dark and disturbing. Oh, and with Angry Harry. Remarkably good. Could have done more with Cho and her redemption (as I remember it from the book, but it's been a while since I read it so may be wrong on this fact), but Delores Umbridge was genuinely disturbing. The Room of Cats will give me nightmares for a while - as opposed to the Room of Requirement which made me want one! And I think the actors do remarkably well, especially Luna Lovegood.

Transformers: Went to see this with I as a birthday treat for him (same day as N's as it happens). Excellent film. Even if it had a blacker-than-black car and a laughable attempt at a plot. As soon as those vehicles started unfolding I was grinning like a loon (ok, not much of a stretch I realise, but there you go), and Optimus Prime with flame decals made me laugh. I'm just not hugely sure about the whole scanning-something-else-and-turning-into-something-different part, but it worked very nicely I think.

The Simpsons: just saw this this afternoon with a friend back here at home. The move from small to big screen has worked very well I think. It pokes fun at itself ("Why would we pay to see something we can see for free at home" being a notable example of this) and loads of other stuff. The plot is fun, but nothing special. All we really care about is the gags, and they come thick and fast. Whether it's the visual puns or the one-liners, I was laughing lots. Oh, and I now have the Spider-Pig theme tune in my head...

Hope all is well with you guys, and you've not been swept away by the flood waters

Jon Out
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