Movie reviews

Jul 02, 2007 13:51

Just realised that there's a few I've seen recently

Spiderman 3. This one, whilst having some pretty effects (oooh shiny and ewwwwww-black-and-sticky being two memorable ones) has definitely suffered the law of trilogies - that the third shall be worse than the second (ok, so I think matrix 2 was better than 3, and that the LOTR films were all great, but they're exceptions that prove the rule). Now given that Spidey 2 wasn't all that great, that should give you a clue to my opinion of this one.
Best moment: the souped up jazz number
Worst moment: far to many to mention. Notable highlights include Peter Parker trying to be emo (and failing miserably), Stan Lee having to get his cameo in, and the posing in front of the American flag.
My advice? Avoid if at all possible

Pirates of the Carribean 3: At World's End. Again, law of trilogies. I've never been a huge Jack Sparrow fan- by that I mean slobber-slobber-drool-zomg-Johnny-Depp-hump-hump Jack Sparrow fan - and this film, despite having numerable topless Jacks, didn't change that at all. The escaping world's end sequence was good though. The plot was more convoluted than a maze designed by M C Escher - probably not aided that we somehow managed to see the showing with an interval which decided to take place halfway through a speech in the pirates council - which meant that by the end of it we were going "ok, we saw what happened. but...why?"
Best bit: Davy Jones loves his bucket - although why he didn't put it on wheels and go on dry land more often I will never know. That and "Don't move, I've dropped my brain"
Worst bit: Plot

Shrek the Third. As a huge fan of the previous two films - a winning combination of plot, music and visuals to my mind - this film just doesn't compare. It's like they knew that they were doing this film, but scribbled the plot down on the back of a napkin during a night out and barely fleshed it out from there. That being said, there were some very memorable moments - absolute comedy gems. It's just a pity that they were surrounded by a load of dross. And Justin Timberlake as Artie? Not the best choice ever. Whiny and rather self obsessed IMHO. And so was the character
Best bits: Girl power! Oh, and the final stage show.
Worst bits: The whole Merlin sequence

Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Well the first wasn't that good really. And this second one doesn't really rise above it. Ok, it's better than the first. Most definitely. By this time the 4 have come to terms with having these strange powers. Tension in the air for a wedding. Strange cosmic disturbances. But the film never manages to make itself rise above mediocre. Large deviations from the comic books really disappoinred me too - Galactus as a giant gas cloud? Come on, you can do better than that! Worth a see if you enjoyed the first one. Not really otherwise.
Best bit: Probably the Fantasticar. Which says a lot about the film...
Worst bit: The power swapping sequence. Funny the first time, not the 15th. Even if it was necessary... Oh, and Stan Lee appearing again.

On the whole, not a great bunch. Looking forwards to Transformers though.
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