You Can Check Out Anytime You Want, But You Can Never Leave!

Feb 10, 2011 17:15

Things have gone completely mad as far as the boy thing.
Beau came back, and though we're still plenty good friends, and are still going to see Dropkick next month and everything, nothing's really going on there as of right now. I'm actually not upset or bummed out about this. I have a feeling if we started something now, it'd end really poorly for the both of us.

BUUUT that super nice kid, Kevin, that threw Esraa her going away party has swooped in before I've even had time to forget about the Beau thing, haha. This is all happening so fast! I met him last Monday (though I'd seen him at a million concerts I've gone to before), and already we've hung out a crap-ton of times. And it's been just us for most of the hangouts. I've eaten at SO MANY new restaurants this past week, and we've already gone to the movie theatre.

He left for Oregon for a few days (of-fucking-course I met him right before he left. I really can't break this cycle, hahaha). Anyways. But we had dinner last night, and watched Amelie (which he LOVED! Which is great, 'cause it's one of my top ten favorites), and theeen when I was getting ready to leave he asked if I was free a certain weekend and asked"Can I take you to see Flogging Molly on the 27th?" which is wicked exciting!!!

I've only known him a week and a half, so I don't know how to read him too well (when the hell do I, though?) so up until now I wasn't sure if he was interested. But especially once I talk to Tyler (mutual friend) and after last night, I think this is actually a tangible thing.

Other than the fact I'm fucking PETRIFIED 'cause of the whole being almost 22 and still barely ever gone on actual dates, let alone DATING somebody. But I'll get over that, haha.

OTHER THAN THAT, life is soooo good! Excited about old and new friends, excited to start going to shows again, excited to be writing, and making things, and reading again, and SPRING!!!

Basically: =]!

Weeeeell, I'm off to see Bomb the Music Industry!, who I haven't seen in almost TWO YEARS, so this'll be sooo much fun. And I'm going with some friends I never see, one of which is named Bruce Campbell. cool can you get??

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