Some frustrated fans let loose on House writer Doris Egan on Twitter today, attacking her for her Hilson-friendly scripts (apparently nobody taught these fans that being RUDE is not the best way to make friends and influence writers). Fortunately, a bunch more fans chipped with with support (she thanked them - awww). The incident has triggered a few conversations where some fans seem worried that the rude fans may actually influence the show's creators to CHANGE the show to please them.
Regarding getting too worked up over the "influence" of fan factions ...
To quote Ms. Egan's (
tightropegirl) own blog (re sharing your writing with the world): "Some hearts will be closed to it; accept that, and do not repine because every single person in the entire universe does not love it. But be happy that it connects and finds friends and family out there in the storm."
Another one: "I have zero interest in changing anybody's mind about whether they like or don't like any particular character or storyline in House, or indeed, the show itself. Art is not politics; a story of any kind speaks for itself or it doesn't, and the reader or viewer will take from it what they will."
There's more sprinkled in there. Basically, the impression I get from her - and from all the [H] folks who thoughtfully open themselves to fans - is that while they enjoy the feedback, they're not counting votes. They're more aware than anybody of how skewed such a count would be.
The show is HUGELY successful. The ratings are excellent. The x-treme fans represent a tiny portion of that audience. In spite of a few self-deluded fans out there who have exaggerated their own self-importance beyond measure, the creators of this show tell the stories THEY want to tell.
That's not to say they don't want fans to be happy. That's not to say we shouldn't share our opinions (POLITENESS COUNTS) when asked to do so. But try not to let it freak you out, especially when a bunch of xtreme fans RT some snarkastic comment.