Years ago, when I still lived in Wisconsin, I embarked upon a short-lived project when I was trying to lose weight (I was probably about sixteen: there was no weight to lose). The idea was, that if I took photographs of everything that I ate, and posted them on here, I would hold myself accountable to what I was putting into my body. Anyways, after a couple weeks my disposition towards laziness kicked in and I abandoned the idea. Some of you who are particularly long-time readers may even remember this phase!
My boyfriend, Ian, was kicking about my flat for the past couple weeks (since, when you don't have a job, well, it's not hard to take a fortnight across the Irish sea to visit your girlfriend), and he is pretty much the worst eater, heath-wise, of all time (no offense, Ian!). Take-aways every night and doughnuts and cookies for every breakfast were very tasty, but, two weeks later, my body pretty much feels like it's been put through a trash compactor! I decided yesterday that I would re-start my enthusiastic health kick WITH PHOTOS, and here we are today, with the first set of All The Things I Ate Yesterday photos: a wonderful sub-set of The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably)!
Yeah! Vegetables! Fruits! Bread! Cheese! (White thing in back is large hunk of butter!)
Hot chocolate and chocolate and.... tasty german candies! (Hey, they were buy one get one free @ the shop!)
Macaroni cheese and peas, plus some innocent smoothie (so delicious, so expensive).
Half a pesto pizza. You will soon notice that I am a bona-fide coca-cola addict and that I put chilis on everything!
If you would like to play along at home with this super-fun game, here are the rules to All The Things I Ate Yesterday:
1. Take a photo of everything you eat or drink (before you eat or drink it), save water.
2. There are no exceptions.
3. Post photos online the next day.
4. Be slightly disappointed when no one comments on them, despite the fact that it is literally photos of all the things that travelled through your digestive system on any given day, which is kind of gross and pretty damn boring.
Stay tuned for the next installment of The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably)!