Dear friends, family, acquaintances and total and complete strangers, please accept this very warm welcome to (drumroll) The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably)! Pull up a seat, take off your shoes, and don't be afraid to get very, very comfortable! Let's get down to business: here's a quick soundbite for The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably), or, for short, TMABIAOH(P) (tuh-mah-bee-ah-oh-pee...... erm, okay, that won't catch on).
Who?: You (a small sub-set of the people of the internet) and me (a mostly American and marginally British girl woman, a bartender and university student, who answers to the name "Tess").
What?: A collection of only very slightly related thoughts, jokes, pictures, ego, emotions, rants, and--- hopefully-- banter! Essentially, all the stuff that blogs are made of. (All the stuff that average blogs are made of, anyways.... and after all, this is The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably)).
When?: Sometimes. Not always. Not never. More frequently if I can be bothered, less frequently if I cannot. What, you want specifics? I just gave you specifics!
Where?: Live and on location here in my house in a small town in Scotland and tape-delayed just for you wherever and whenever in time and space it is that you are able to access it.
How?: The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably) is brought to you mostly by the power of the internet, followed by my ability to type in English, and the somewhat uninteresting topics about which I can rant and rave.
Why?: Because, like the majority of the world, I am actually incredibly self-centred and I just love to talk about myself. Also I spend my free time on the internet instead of socialising. The internet is more fun than friends! Just kidding friends, I like you just as much as I like the internet. Kind of. The internet doesn't judge me if I don't put on trousers when we hang out.
And that's the who, what, when, where, how, and why, eh? Here's to many happy days, weeks, months, and years spent together--- just us, that is, you, The Most Average Blog In All Of Recorded History (Probably), and me! Now here is a picture of some cake, it is very colourful.