Feb 02, 2010 20:11
So having Ali and Sarah visit again was a ton of fun. We all went around and hung out and made jokes. I had to work smack in the center of it all, but whatever. It was worth it. Ali ended up staying later, I bought her a greyhound ticket home and so I dragged my ass over to Rev's place last night to chill and see her off in the morning.
After things like that I always feel a little bit more alone when people leave. It's not that I am, not in the least. With Alba and Chii around there's always someone to talk to or just be around. I think it's more that each of my friends has a place in my heart that no one else can fill. So I went home exhausted and feeling a little drained in more ways than one and then.
Then I got on the wrong bus 8(
I was so tired I wasn't paying attention and I ended up somewhere in Bridgeport and had to call poor Kas to come pick my tired, freezing ass up. At least Boarders was there for sitting and staying warm.
Oh wow I feel so dumb.
jolta rides the short bus