Two months ago tomorrow, I started eating healthier and exercising. In that time, I've lost 19 pounds. As of yesterday, my BMI is below 30, and I'm officially no longer obese ... Just overweight.
It was a shock that I'd gotten as bad as medically obese. I mean, I knew it had to be coming up, I just didn't know how bad it was.
When I saw my photos from my honeymoon, that was bad enough. But every picture since has made me cringe more and more.
Self-loathing not being any motivation for someone as oblivious to the world as I, I needed much more practical motivation. I went for being cheap.
My brother-in-law is getting married in three weeks. I wanted to fit in the suits I bought for my wedding so that I wouldn't have to buy new ones. And it worked! They already fit comfortably. I still have another six pounds to lose by the wedding, but I think I should make my goal. At least I've come close enough.
So in two months, I've reversed a lot of the damage I've done to my body in the last three years. My longer goal is to reverse what I've done since 2002 by the end of the year. Here's hoping.