In a thread of e-mails with
triplesvet, I began compiling a list of films that left a very, very, very deep impression on me, or, barring that, that made me cry a lot. Most of them I watched between the ages of 9 and 11 and haven't seen again. This is by no means a list of my favourite movies - many are too depressing to qualify as "favourite", heh. But they're the sort that have some very, very memorable scenes that you'll never forget after having seen them once.
Top 5:
1. The Red Violin
The tragedy of the child prodigy traumatized me so deeply, it shall forever be embedded in my psyche. Following that, the adulterous story of the virtuoso. This is what happens when you're 9 years old and you watch explicit sex scenes. Fantastic music, too.
2. A horrifyingly depressing (as I remember it) movie about Vincent Van Gogh - can't remember which one
I must have been around 7-8 years old when I saw this one, but I've known the story of Van Gogh ever since. If I remembered a little more of the actual movie, it would probably rank as #1 in this list.
3. Shanghai Triad
OK. At the end, when the boy's hanging upside-down and he tries to get free, shaking himself, and the money that Gong Li gave him falls out of his pocket into the water? That KILLED ME.
4. Hilary & Jackie
If I wanted S. to quit music, I would make him watch this movie. I've been addicted to the Elgar Cello Concerto ever since, of course.
5. The English Patient
I don't want to even get into it.
Followed by:
6. The Talented Mr. Ripley
Jude Law's performance. Creeped. Me. Out.
7. Selena
I'm noticing that stories of musicians dying young are very popular in this list.
8. Farewell My Concubine and Gone With The Wind (tie)
Farewell: The most recently watched film. And I knew that it was going to be depressing. Just... not quite so depressing. As for Gone With The Wind... Scarlett's children. ARGH.
9. Titanic
10. All depressing movies about composers that, now that I rewatch them, are not so accurate, and not even necessarily that good (Amadeus, a depressing movie about Chopin, Immortal Beloved)
Honourable mentions: Dr. Zhivago (the ending ARGH), The Sixth Sense, The Pianist (the ending ARGH), Schindler's List (made me cry), Forrest Gump (if only I could remember more than 2 scenes), Moulin Rouge (made me cry)... and, I suppose, Brokeback Mountain, because that's what made me think of this in the first place.
I think the conclusion is that movies covering the span of one (or more) individual's life are the ones that affect me the most.