
Nov 18, 2010 01:13

Hi! I'm not new. I'm itsmyreverie (you probably don't remember me. That's okay, I understand), but I can't log out right now so uh HI. MEET THE GRAPHICS ACCOUNT. I made a Jokachel vid a few hours ago and I'm happy about it. I used Katie so I can practice putting two people from separate clips in one place. ENJOY IT OK

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crazy_carolyn_s November 23 2010, 18:04:55 UTC
I wish we were as active as we used to be. ;_; It's like no one comes on here but me anymore. xD You know I love this, so that goes without saying...and your icon makes me lol. hahaha Maybe interest will be rekindled with the new movie? ...Although I highly doubt it since Rachel's dead. ;_;


homette November 24 2010, 00:38:23 UTC
That can happen. People might start searching up Batman videos on Youtube like crazy and come across some Jokachel and fall in love. It's possible :)

I guess I'll have to go insane with Joker/Rachel videos if I want anyone to them within all of those Harley/Joker vids :|


crazy_carolyn_s November 28 2010, 20:13:15 UTC
Aww, that's true! Not very likely, but possible. xP Believe it or not, Jokachel used to be well-received and respected...back when I wrote the first Jokachel story, I got tons of reviews saying how neat and original the pairing was, and so on and so forth. In fact, I had WAY more reviews than any of the JokerQuinn and Batslash fics (both of which were VERY hard to find back in the good ol' days), so I honestly don't know what happened. I feel like all the Jokachel fans went elsewhere because of the rude, nasty JokerQuinn fangirls (JxB fangirls have been awful to me, too, but not as immature as the JxHQ ones). Those pairings weren't popular in 2008 (well...JxHQ wasn't, anyway), but then all of a sudden that stupid TheJokerBlogs came out, and BAM! JxHQ went through the roof. I don't understand WHY or HOW, because their Harley was the most dull/horrendous actress on the face of the planet, and in result, they had NO chemistry. It was horrid. So yeah...I think the majority of those fangirls are like 11 years old, so I'm not surprised I ( ... )


homette November 29 2010, 13:25:26 UTC
LOL I was just going to say... I don't understand how anyone could ship J and Harley after watching The Joker Blogs of all things, since you're right, she's terrible in those videos. Unless of course people were only introduced to her there... but still, she's not exactly an underground character. Maybe most of these people really are only 11 years old lol ( ... )


crazy_carolyn_s November 30 2010, 16:02:35 UTC
I love your icon! :O I don't remember seeing that one! *dribbles* lawl And I know! Harley's not underground, but you'd be surprised how many of my friends didn't know her before TDK, and they just started shipping JxH since it was canon in the comics/BTAS....which I don't understand, cuz it's boring to do a repeat of what the comics have ALREADY written. And I really think they ARE 11, because I have had the DUMBEST arguments known to man with these idiots. Someone was all "Harley loves him, so it's ok that the Joker abuses her!" That made me MAD. If someone's dumb enough to think something like that, they deserve to be smacked around. T_T ( ... )


homette December 1 2010, 16:08:44 UTC
Holy crap. I really hope those people don't feel that way about the reality of abuse in a relationship. That would just be levels of disappointing.
LOL I saw it at fandom!secrets. It was funny at first, but then it started to dumb down quick. Almost as soon as the arguments got serious. I've definitely wondered about how Jokachel would have turned out if Rachel McAdams played Rachel Dawes, since a lot more people know about her than they do Maggie, and she's pretty respected.
Yeah, those vids are insane. They're all over YT. I've ran into a few Joker & Harley vids where they weren't a couple, and I liked how well done a lot of them were, even though I'd prefer it if J were alone with a few henchmen here and there. The pairing is not for me though D:


crazy_carolyn_s December 1 2010, 19:40:03 UTC
I know...it makes me mad how so many impressionable young girls love that pairing, because they act like it's "romantic" and "ok" for someone to be treated like garbage. Drives me absolutely bonkers ( ... )


homette December 1 2010, 21:12:25 UTC
fandomsecrets is such an awesome community. It's where people post secrets about characters, celebrities... fandom, basically. I haven't posted any secrets in a while myself, but I have raged about Joker/Harley on there before xP Way back when a fan was judging me for shipping Joker with Rachel. There have been quite a few Joker secrets recently too, and that's probably due to TDKR getting talked about so much lately.
No, it's definitely people shipping a bunch of colourful ponies. So strange.
F!S has its fair share of morons too, but if any of them diss Maggie? Shit. Goes. Down. Most everyone there loves her and thinks she's one hot BAMF<3 Maggie is definitely the better actress when it comes to Rachel. Or even... in general, really. I find her to be a lot more convincing than Katie. I do enjoy Katie Holmes' bitch!Rachel more though, for whatever reason ( ... )


crazy_carolyn_s December 2 2010, 16:45:39 UTC
LOL Did you get lots of dissent for bashing Joker/Harley? Cuz I've found those fangirls are friggin' RABID. O_O It's like...all hell breaks. loose. lol I didn't know people talked about pairings over there...but I guess that makes sense since you're talking about fandoms. What are the Joker secrets? And are they even true? Is that where they released the so-called secret where Heath saved Maggie's life? I wish someone got that on film. ;_; I'm sick, I know. lol ( ... )


homette December 4 2010, 18:54:32 UTC
Nobody really replied to my secret lol, and the ones who did were either like "how the fuck would a Nolan!verse Harley work?" or they were telling me to ignore people like that or whatever. It's actually like someone else's opinions about a fandom or something completely random and personal about a fandom. lol this is a pretty recent Joker one:

... )


crazy_carolyn_s December 7 2010, 18:17:08 UTC
Wow...most people believe Nolanverse!Harley would work, and would stake their life on the fact she would've been in the movies. I HATE THAT, so it's nice to know there are still some intellectuals out there. xD haha I...don't understand that "secret". o.O Lucid dream? lol That's not a secret...that's an every night occurrence! xP
I KNOW. I don't like the idea, so I'm hoping he'll just do a whole 360 thing and stun the hell out of us like he usually do. I agree that he's a genius, although I actually have to side with the people who criticize his female characters. It's very true that his females are kinda one-dimensional, but he got a LOT better in Inception since Mal was pretty interesting/well-rounded. I honestly only think the Joker was so amazing because of Heath...most of that was his improv and acting skills, not Nolan's writing. I still say he's a genius, though. <3
Btw, do you have a Facebook? There's a Joker group you might like on there. :3


homette December 9 2010, 16:15:17 UTC
A lot of them get weirder. People submit things about what they think/feel or something about themselves (about a fandom, of course). Things they would never share with anyone else, and then a mod would make an entry with about 50 different secrets every day so people can comment on them. There are a lot of of people who'd agree with you on Harley and how she's a crappy female character. Some just hate her so much lol, it's fun to see people comment on how awful she is. I probably would hate her too if she wasn't a part of my childhood :|
Yeah, Mal was definitely an improvement. I actually went back to watch both TDK and Inception because I wanted to really look at the female characters, and they are pretty one-dimensional, you're right. The Joker was definitely Heath and his performance. He did so well and I'm still amazed by his Joker. I'm amazed by people who hate his Joker too. It's like... well, I'm not really sure. I completely don't understand those people at all. I try to ignore them.
I do have Facebook :D


crazy_carolyn_s December 9 2010, 19:02:58 UTC
LOL Oh...I thought it was literal secrets, not random comments. xP My Joker obsession's admittedly a secret...I blushed like crazy when my brother brought up in front of my parents, saying something like "I don't know what's up with you and that JOKER guy." I was MORTIFIED. I don't even know how he figured out I'm obsessed...perhaps he stalked my Facebook? LoL Or it could be the fact that he only sees me drawing/vidding him...but still. It's not like I share those things with him, he just ends up catching me in the act. Fortunately, my parents didn't say a word ( ... )


homette December 10 2010, 06:32:20 UTC
Oh my gosh, yes! My iPod apparently accidentally synced some Joker pictures I saved onto my computer, and one of my friends saw them and I was sooo embarrassed :( I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone. I feel like there's hardly anyone who still obsesses over him anymore. I remember a bunch of fan girls wanting to know everything to do with him, but of course they ended up moving on to someone else they wanted to "tap". I'm guilty of being attracted to the Joker (/crazy~), but I've always respected what Heath created. I honestly don't ever see myself getting over him or his Joker. Oh gosh, I'll probably be fascinated by him forever D:
Speaking of your drawings, I haven't visited dA for such a long time. I'll have to go visit your page sometime *0* I love your work so much.
Mad Love doesn't ring a bell, no :0
LOL Exactly! You totally know what's up with his outstanding performance. It was just amazing.


crazy_carolyn_s December 10 2010, 17:24:01 UTC
LOL!!! I've had something like that happen before, but with an anime show...which to me is more embarrassing since it's like obsessing over cartoons. haha Ugh, it's TRUE. I still know lots of people who obsess over him, but they're unbalanced...I had to cut a couple of them from my life just yesterday, but I digress. -.-' I'm crazy attracted too, haha, so I get it. I don't talk about his "monster cock" as someone did (disgusting, truly), cuz I respect him...I'm bothered by people who treat him like a piece of meat, because I can NEVER feel that way towards someone I respect as a person. It's just....Idk. I can't even see him naked (I close my eyes xD), cuz I just respect him too much. I'M SO WEIRD, I KNOW. haha
Awww, thank yooou! <3 I've updated a LOT, so you'll probably have lots of crap in your inbox. o-O Even though I hate Harley Quinn, she's necessary to my fan comic (which I don't think you've seen?), so I've got lots of Harley drawings in there since I needed to practice. -.-' That, and there's ONE JokerQuinn pic since a friend ( ... )


homette December 10 2010, 19:28:14 UTC
I've always been attracted to the Joker, even when I was younger, because he's just that fascinating. And of course Heath's Joker took that fascination to another level, but not to one that's completely out of range to where I only see him as some hawt guy with yummy man parts~ He's so much more than that. That's actually one of the many reasons I hate Batman/Joker. That pairing exists because a bunch of people found both Christian's Bruce and Heath's Joker attractive, and wanted to combine them to create some sort of sick porn for them to get off to. I've always hated how people think that pairing is completely okay and appropriate, yet someone who only finds the Joker attractive is a disrespectful necrophiliac.
I started looking at your stuff last night, but I was way too tired to begin with, so I didn't get a chance to see any fan comic *0* I'm going straight to dA after I finish replying to everyone<333
LOL I'm curious about Mad Love now, I won't lie.


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