Hi! I'm not new. I'm
itsmyreverie (you probably don't remember me. That's okay, I understand), but I can't log out right now so uh HI. MEET THE GRAPHICS ACCOUNT. I made a Jokachel vid a few hours ago and I'm happy about it. I used Katie so I can practice putting two people from separate clips in one place. ENJOY IT OK
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OMG, are you kidding me?? LOLOLOL My Little Pony?! Where have you seen THAT? I think that's hilarious...but you're completely right. Ppl will argue TIRELESSLY that she would've been in the 3rd film if Heath hadn't died, but they're wrong. I almost wish they'd killed off the Joker like they were originally going to, cuz then there wouldn't be so much goddamn speculation. I READ NOLAN'S INTERVIEW in Wizard Magazine where they asked him if he was going to include Harley, and he said no.....and then he laughed. xD Nolan's too much of a genius to include Harley. I mean, seriously. He doesn't do rehashes of the same old shit, and it was pretty damn obvious that his Joker wasn't made for lovin' on some stupid blonde skank. I wish more people liked Rachel...I have to wonder if Jokachel would've been more popular if McAdams had accepted the role. :/
Ha, well I only get into petty arguments on deviantart and YouTube, but I've been left alone for the most part as of late. I hate going on YT, cuz I bristle every time I see a JxH vid in my 'suggested vids' column. It's like...WHY are these here?! I'm looking at Jokachel! lol
LOL I saw it at fandom!secrets. It was funny at first, but then it started to dumb down quick. Almost as soon as the arguments got serious. I've definitely wondered about how Jokachel would have turned out if Rachel McAdams played Rachel Dawes, since a lot more people know about her than they do Maggie, and she's pretty respected.
Yeah, those vids are insane. They're all over YT. I've ran into a few Joker & Harley vids where they weren't a couple, and I liked how well done a lot of them were, even though I'd prefer it if J were alone with a few henchmen here and there. The pairing is not for me though D:
I've never heard of fandom!secrets...is that on here? LOL I can't believe people were arguing...I wasn't even aware of the fact that ppl liked shipping horses. xD haha Unless there are ppl? Cuz I have no clue about that fandom.
Nobody's ever given me a straight answer, but I definitely think it would've been more popular. I mean, a vast majority of the narrow-minded a-holes who hate Jokachel say it's because Maggie's "ugly", which REALLY pisses me off. McAdams is a favorite for her beauty and sweet nature, so I think she would've made the pairing more popular. :/ She probably would've carried on Katie's "less severe" interpretation of Rachel, too...as in, both women are so mild and demure that there'd be less of a razor sharp edge to her like with Maggie. I like Maggerz, though, so I have no complaints. Maggie's won lots of awards for her acting, though, so I think she's done better than Rachel in that respect. McAdams is very natural in her acting, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if she won something somewhere along the way.
I only like the ones where they aren't a couple...and even then I don't watch them. I'll vid some for the sake of there FINALLY being a vid where he murders her/hates her (lawl), but it's not something I enjoy doing that much. People don't understand that J wouldn't have a parter, and that's what annoys me. If he wasn't willing to work with anyone in TDK, I highly doubt he'd change his ways for a hot doctor. Like, he respected Rachel, but he killed her since she was a necessary cog to the machine. He'd do the same to that blonde twit in a heartbeat, if not faster...or for the sake of his own sanity. xP
I saw all those rumors circulating that they might use deleted Joker scenes from TDK and put them in The Dark Knight Rises, but then I saw a follow-up that said no. I'm disappointed. *pouts* But Idk how reliable these things are...it said something like before Heath died, they wanted to have a 3rd movie where J helps Batman catch Two-Face. That sounds really stupid to me....and ooc. I can't see them working together, even though it's happened in the comics before.
No, it's definitely people shipping a bunch of colourful ponies. So strange.
F!S has its fair share of morons too, but if any of them diss Maggie? Shit. Goes. Down. Most everyone there loves her and thinks she's one hot BAMF<3 Maggie is definitely the better actress when it comes to Rachel. Or even... in general, really. I find her to be a lot more convincing than Katie. I do enjoy Katie Holmes' bitch!Rachel more though, for whatever reason.
I am so disappointed myself! :( As much as I wanted to believe those rumours, I never really did, but omg I would be 100% all for it if Chris decided to do it. I trust he'd do things properly. I haven't heard that Joker helping Batman rumour before now. Actually, I heard that Nolan didn't have any official ideas for a third movie even after Heath passed.
I'm not surprised...no comm can escape morons, especially the TDK/Batman ones. T_T They're so fucking RUDE, omg. I got banned for dissing slash, no lie. It's like you're not allowed to have your own opinion unless it's inclusive to the majority. Fuckers. And really? LMAO I'm loving them...I might join just for that. haha I LOVE Maggie, so I always get really pissy when ppl diss her. I think she's pretty, too, but for some reason NOBODY looked good in TDK except Heath. Like...Bale looked seriously old. o_O lol Maggie was pretty in her date scene with Harvey, so I wish that was the lighting/her outfit for the party scene since I can't ever use those clips in Jokachel vids. They don't fit. :/ I only found Maggie more convincing than Katie cuz Katie seemed to young to be an esteemed lawyer. I liked her version of Rachel, though, and I thought Katie's was less bitchy. xD Maybe that's just me. haha
Same here. D: I knew deep-down that it was a load of BS, cuz poor Nolan's stated repeatedly how he's not comfortable with the idea of bringing Heath back or replacing him. So did I! Like, I heard Nolan had no idea if he'd be continuing the franchise or not, and didn't officially decide until much later, so all those ppl who insist they'd hired an actress to play Harley are full of crap. A friend and I were talking, and we thought it'd be awesome if they CGI'd J talking with Batman's new love interest or the new female villain in Arkham. Like, if the love interest's like Vicki Vale, she could be reporting on him or something. It'd be neat. And I AM NOT PLEASED that Batman's getting a new love interest. Seriously, why does he need one?? Rachel was supposedly the only woman for him, so to do that is like a slap in the face to her memory. Not to mention, it's the LAST movie, so unless it ends in their getting married, I find it pretty pointless.
That's what I thought too. Bruce was so devastated over Rachel's death, but now he's getting some new chick. I think it's going to be a lot better than it sounds though, because this is Christopher Nolan. I think he's a genius and if he's going to do something, I definitely trust that he'll do something right. A lot of people think he can't write female characters though :/ I personally don't care, since I'm not a critic who digs into every detail and picks out every flaw, but I should probably just prepare myself for the complaints before they happen xP
I KNOW. I don't like the idea, so I'm hoping he'll just do a whole 360 thing and stun the hell out of us like he usually do. I agree that he's a genius, although I actually have to side with the people who criticize his female characters. It's very true that his females are kinda one-dimensional, but he got a LOT better in Inception since Mal was pretty interesting/well-rounded. I honestly only think the Joker was so amazing because of Heath...most of that was his improv and acting skills, not Nolan's writing. I still say he's a genius, though. <3
Btw, do you have a Facebook? There's a Joker group you might like on there. :3
Yeah, Mal was definitely an improvement. I actually went back to watch both TDK and Inception because I wanted to really look at the female characters, and they are pretty one-dimensional, you're right. The Joker was definitely Heath and his performance. He did so well and I'm still amazed by his Joker. I'm amazed by people who hate his Joker too. It's like... well, I'm not really sure. I completely don't understand those people at all. I try to ignore them.
I do have Facebook :D
LOL Seriously?? I can't find ANYONE nowadays who feels the same why I do. She IS a crappy character...have you seen Mad Love? It's SO poorly executed. I love me some BTAS and all, but Paul Dini should be waterboarded for creating that dipstick. -.-' I honestly don't remember her from my childhood, so I can hate her all I want. :P She didn't appear until later, I guess...except I DO remember her first episode. You never realize how annoying characters are until you're older, I guess.
YES. I don't get them, either! I actually get a little mad! haha Like, one of my friends doesn't like Heath in general, and feels he didn't deserve the Oscar. I was like YOU TAKE THAT BACK. lol Seriously...he is literally the ONLY actor who's blown me away EVER. I stayed up all night the day I saw it, and was just all wide-eyed going holy shit...he was fucking AWESOME.
Yay! :D I'll send you my link so I can add you to the group and stuff. <3
Speaking of your drawings, I haven't visited dA for such a long time. I'll have to go visit your page sometime *0* I love your work so much.
Mad Love doesn't ring a bell, no :0
LOL Exactly! You totally know what's up with his outstanding performance. It was just amazing.
Awww, thank yooou! <3 I've updated a LOT, so you'll probably have lots of crap in your inbox. o-O Even though I hate Harley Quinn, she's necessary to my fan comic (which I don't think you've seen?), so I've got lots of Harley drawings in there since I needed to practice. -.-' That, and there's ONE JokerQuinn pic since a friend of mine requested it...and I wanted to be nice. lol It's not really JokerQuinn in my eyes, cuz he's stitching her mouth shut. haha
Mad Love is Harley's origin story...truly horrible. It should've been executed in 2 episodes to make it more developed, but noooo. lol
I started looking at your stuff last night, but I was way too tired to begin with, so I didn't get a chance to see any fan comic *0* I'm going straight to dA after I finish replying to everyone<333
LOL I'm curious about Mad Love now, I won't lie.
Haha, it's ok. ;P I updated a LOT, so I don't blame you for going "BLAAAAH" *closes browser* haha And you can watch Mad Love on YT...it was hard for me to find at first, but it's there.
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