Mar 09, 2011 00:36
Nothing new to post. I've got three wisdom teeth growing in sideways so they're going to remove them. That's gonna suck. My bone to pick, however, was with the dental technician who cleaned my teeth today. I've never been in so much pain before. Does this woman not realize that it's a human being that she's working on? A human being with nerve endings and the such? It was horrible. It was like my gums were Sharon Tate and all of her metal poke and prodding things were the Manson family. I am seriously starting to think this woman got her dental license from the Mengele School of Dentistry. Then after 45 minutes of what I can only imagine is done in North Korean prison camps she looks at me and goes "Oh, you're gums are bleeding alot." No shit! You scraped a metal hook across them for the better part of an hour. They're going to fucking bleed! That nightmare ended at 2:30. It's now 12:30 and I'm still in such pain that I'm gonna skip brushing my teeth tonight. Holy shit, man. That lady was brutal.