What happened?

Jan 11, 2011 23:26

What happened to punk rock? No, I'm not talking about the mainstream garbage or Hot Topic and the commercialism of it all. I'm talking about the mind sets of people at local shows. Mainly, the new generation. When I first started going to shows there was violence and danger abound. If nazi skins would show up then we'd beat the shit out of them. If they came again with more friends...We'd beat the shit out of them again. There was always violence and danger. It is violent music. Lately there has been a rift between the older guys who've been around for years such as myself and the new younger kids who like to dye their hair and do the mohawk thing. You see, the problem is that when I started coming to shows...Hell, even the bands I listened to was violent and angry. The crowds were either a mix of nihilists and just fucked in the head kids. Now this new generation are just mohawked hippies. "No, don't fight" "No way, man. The circle pit is getting too violent tonight." "That band doesn't sing about politics. They suck" The thing with this new generation is that they don't believe in anything. They just spout back bullshit rhetoric like "Punk's not dead" or "Food not bombs". Where's the nihilism, children? Where's the anger towards anything? Where's the apathy? The social commentary? Independent thought? Anything besides just regurgitating shit you heard other bands say. No, punks not dead but it's in a vegetative state and all of these new kids are pulling it's fucking feeding tube. Hell, the last show I went to there were three nazi skins there who were giving buddy alot of shit for 1. being gay. and 2. being puerto rican. We beat the fuck out of these two guys and the new kids called US the assholes. Welcome to punk rock, assholes.

I'm not saying that all of the new kids are dumb. There's a handful of really good ones. But the majority of these new kids, at least in the Long Island scene, just worship dead, junkie, punks...I'm looking at you Sid Vicious and Darby Crash.

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