Jul 09, 2009 23:21
70 smn get. Still leveling it. Semi kinda sorta. ish.
I really don't know how people are able to manage so many jobs in the game, to be quite honest. Gear restraints become a hassle. Like, I want to focus on samurai-oriented items, but where does that leave my other jobs?
Well, it also has to do a great deal with the amount of time you're willing to invest, I guess. In which case I am royally boned. OH WELL.
In other game news, I am currently trying to beat more games than I am able. Why? Because I bought them all and refuse to NOT beat them. Yet there's so many upcoming games I want to play, it's somewhat difficult to pick what to pick up and what to skip.
If nothing else, I'm really excited over project natal. Recent years have seen a massive rise in the number of games with online capability, to the point where many consumers will buys games for that feature alone. This in mind, Project Natal has given me a strong sense of hope in that one day in the not so distant future, as the technology evolves a little further, I will be able to reach out and punch idiots over the internet. That would be nice, I think.
God bless Darwin for inventing evolution.
I know what I said.