Let me tell you why I suck as a salesman.

Jun 24, 2009 07:32

So what the hell have I been up to, you ask?

Well I'm glad you asked. In all the chaos I forgot myself.
So you gotta ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky, punk?

Well, do you? PUNK?

Been... semi... sorta not really playing DDO. I mean, the free version beta thing. It's an alright game, when I can play it. Every other login it seems I need to reinstall. Coupled with the fact that I've thus far been unable to trick anyone into playing it with me, it hasn't been the apple of my attentionary eye. I like that word. Attentionary.

I miss school, or rather ''certain'' aspects of it.

FFXI is still active, I log in from time to time but my attentionary senses drop to sub-nil and I end half making nyzul groups then afking.
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