.0108 - Give a Little Time to Me, We'll Play Hide and Seek

Jan 20, 2014 11:09

Jensen/Jared (Jensen/Danneel, Jared/Genevieve)
3,121 words
Warning: Infidelity/open marriage [weird plot and strange style of writing]
Title from Ed Sheeran
Teaser: Critics' Choice Movie Awards / "I can’t keep on waiting for it to happen. Every time we make love… I’m expecting you to cry out his name. Each night you spend up there, I'm imagining ( Read more... )

→ verse → ccma '14, year: 2014, genre: past rl, universe: non-au (j²), length: 1k to 5k, .pairing: jensen/jared, warning: infidelity, genre: established rl, .pairing: jensen/jared with j/d & j/g

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Comments 32

darklondonsky January 20 2014, 20:51:30 UTC
Sweetie, I love this a lot :-*
The doubts, the depth, denial...I even like Danneel here. You made this famous photo alive!

Sometimes I wish it´d be like just this story, even when it´d be a hurting hell for everybody involved. But the pic that inspired you tells so many stories to speculate....and D´s look!! I mean...yeah...who knows XD


jojothecr January 21 2014, 22:37:27 UTC
I am SO glad you like it! Thank you. :)

I definitely wish for them to be happy the way they are. And I'm sure they are. That is my official version. My J2 heart hopes in a bit more (still, before or in the future), but however it is, I just want them to be happy. I like Danneel (and Genevieve), I'd hate for her to be just a 'cover'.

p.s. And if you ever felt inspired, I sure wouldn't mind a better version of my icon or something. Just, you know, in case you ever get bored. ;)


darklondonsky January 22 2014, 18:48:02 UTC
Thank you for this cute J2 story again :-*

Well said, all I want is for them to be genuinely truly happy as well. That´s all that matters :-)

PS. Love to, sweet. <3 I´ll think of a spiffy artsy view for your fic :-)


jojothecr January 23 2014, 10:52:42 UTC
You're welcome.

p.s. Yay, looking forward to it! :)


peepingdru January 20 2014, 22:24:23 UTC
yes...this....beautiful....and wibbly! Thank u ..x0x0x0


jojothecr January 21 2014, 22:38:09 UTC
Thank you! :)


wings128 January 20 2014, 23:28:05 UTC
Thank you for writing this. It's style is perfect for the story you're telling. I loved that you gave D her own feelings and her own thoughts and acknowledged that her situation must suck, even when the world sees being with Jensen as the ultimate prize.

This is beautiful, sad, jagged, fragile, but still carries an undercurrent of hesitant hope.

This bit...
The night before their wedding; Jensen’s bachelor party. The closest of his friends, guitars and whiskey, melancholy. And Jared. The last kiss of an unmarried man, free yet; less of guilt, more regrets. She wasn’t supposed to see that, them, but at the same time, she was almost convinced he wanted her to see it. The kiss was slow, tender, unhurried. Until then she thought it was only sex, loneliness that dragged from early seasons, and want. But he made her see that it was more, far more than what she was prepared for… Pulling from the kiss, Jensen stepped back and out of Jared’s arms, reluctant. When he reached out to brush a strand of hair out of Jared’s face, Jared leaned ( ... )


jojothecr January 22 2014, 09:47:42 UTC
I cannot imagine writing Danneel differently than as a person with feelings. Some people maybe like to write her as a mindless bitch, but I can't. She is a human being after all, and I like her. And I hope and believe they're happy like this, all of them, 'cause otherwise it'd be really freaking sad. But this is a fic, so...

Anyway, I'm really glad you liked it. Thank you much! :)


wings128 January 22 2014, 10:00:57 UTC
Yes they do, and yes she is. I think if I ever get the courage to write a J2 fic that includes either Danneel or Gen, then I'd write them as their own characters too; it's only fair.

I enjoyed it very much, I wouldn't normally read something that included the wives, nor something under NC17; but I was drawn in by your note about "strange style of writing".

I recc'd it to two friends, one who read it today and loved it.


jojothecr January 22 2014, 17:27:22 UTC
I understand. I, for a change, don't read most kinks. I don't read Jensen/Danneel (or J/G) either, only if there's at least one of the boys included. Now I realize how monothematic my writing actually is, basically just Jensen/Jared (with Jen/Dan & Jay/Gen), infidelity and open marriage... Gosh, I am boring. ;)

Thank you! :)


borgmama1of5 January 20 2014, 23:36:46 UTC
I expected an angry, accusatory, cheating story...this is much better, even if it is still hard, that it is in the open.

And I love your descriptive passages.


jojothecr January 22 2014, 09:49:12 UTC
I don't think I'm actually capable of writing that kind of a fic.

Thank you! :)


soserendipity January 21 2014, 00:06:06 UTC
Oh. wow. This was sad, angsty, melancholy even. And yet done in a manner that prevented those impressions from being too heavy, from cancelling out the slow, silent (or the heated) moments the boys share. I really like the way you ended things, almost gentle after all those emotions. Thank you for sharing!


jojothecr January 22 2014, 09:50:44 UTC
I am really glad you liked it. Thank you much! And I'm glad you also like the ending, as I was completely unsatisfied with that. :)


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