(no subject)

Apr 20, 2010 13:26

well, it's been a while, hasn't it?

there are several things going on in my life. let's do a numbered entry, shall we?

1. my grandma is dying. she was diagnosed with two types of liver cancer last year, and has been undergoing treatment at Sloan Kettering Memorial (Best hospital ever, btw) since then. she is clear of cancer, but the treatment and the decline in her liver function have effected her so much. she's been retaining fluid like crazy - the first time she got fluid extracted, it totaled 5.5 liters. she's had one more extraction since then, and will have another one tomorrow. I guess she's gained around 20 lbs in fluid. she's just... not doing well. and of course, i've never had a grandparent die, only great-grandparents. and of course, she's the only one i really have a relationship with out of the 6 grandparents I have. oy. i am not dealing with this well. it is so hard for me to even think about her passing away... it seems surreal. ugh. i'm going to cry.

2. i have a week & a half left of graduate classes. that seems unreal to me - have 2 years really passed?? wow. i'm not graduating yet, though, because i have 2 3-month long fieldworks, ending December 3rd. I do get 3 weeks off between the end of my semester & the start of my first fieldwork, though, so that is wonderful. i definitely need a break. my tolerance for things is limited at this point. i am just done with some people. i don't appreciate being told i'm wrong, or not being listened to, or whatever else. i'm not a fan of bitchy people, even if you were "just kidding". it's not nice, and you are not nice. ugh.

3. therapy has been going well. i really like my therapist.

4. i've lost 17 lbs since starting weight watchers in February. it's not a whole lot, given the amount of time I've been on WW, but whatever - at least it's a loss! i really need to buckle down and just take the weight off, because this shit is expensive! but i'm glad that 17lbs has been lost... woo!

anyway. whatever. i am just so fucking done.
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