oh, hi.

Oct 25, 2009 11:56

oh hi there.

remember me?

whoops. i haven't posted in nearly 2 months. wtf!

no worries, tho, i keep up on all of your updates... they're great tools for procrastination!

so what's been going on with me... well, jason & i celebrated out 2-year wedding anniversary, which totally sucked. i wasn't home from 6:30a-9:30p, and he ended up having to babysit from 5p-1a upstairs. So, we basically didn't see each other at all. That sucked. a lot. i was super bummed. but we celebrated that friday, which was really nice. and i got the Tiffany's H for my gift. i love it! he calls me H (because he's Jay), so it is super sweet. i really love it & have worn it every day since.

what else... well, school blows, as usual. i'm in my second-to-last semester of grad school (yayyy). I have classes monday & tuesday, and then wed & thurs I have fieldwork in a public elementary school. that's going alright.. i'm rocking it, i am sooo good at working with kids. but the stupid partner I was paired with does NOTHING. seriously. nothing. she passes out stuff and helps clean up. she doesn't prepare activities, she doesn't run activities... i do everything. i had to teach her how to give and score an eval the other day. NOT MY JOB. pay attention in class, bitch! i was/am so annoyed with this situation. i have made it abundantly clear that this week is all hers. she needs to plan activities & run them. i can't do it all. if she doesn't do it this week, then i think i'm going to go to my professor about this. it's just not fair that she's riding on my coattails & will get a good grade for this, because I am so good at it. ugh.

my apartment is a wreck, but who didn't expect that? school sucks the life out of me, and it's so hard to maintain a nice apartment. ugh.

oh! last weekend was the NYS Sheep & Wool fest, and Greeley & andy came to visit. that was fun, and i bought some gorgeous yarn, and had a great time with some of my favorite women. i've been knitting a lot... finished 2 sweaters in the last 2 months, which is great. the second sweater had been finished, but hadn't yet been sewn together. so i finally sewed it together, and found that it IS TOO SHORT. oh well. i need to block the living daylights out of it. at least it's finally done!

my dog is driving me crazy. my cat is driving me crazy. why are they so strange and annoying?? they have serious issues. i want another dog sooo badly. like this one: http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=14941429

she's at a humane society a little less than an hour from me. i want to go meet her!! she doesn't shed, and she looks sooooo cute. but she is no schnauzer... apparently all schnauzers are either black or gray. so, who knows what she is. but she is cute!! i want to snuggle her!! i may call them & get more info on her. like if there are other families already interested in her. i really, really want her!


alright, i have procrastinated enough. i need to get back to writing this stupid, awful treatment plan. stupid! awful! ugh!
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