Success on selling Pullip Sapphire!

Oct 23, 2013 12:39

Today was such an accomplishment.

Just the other day, I decided to set up an ad on Kijiji, since Ebay sales were taking forever and the last buyer interested was from UK (but I think the shipping scared her!) so there were 'interests' but no takers. It doesn't bother me, I have been used to getting last-minute pull outs due to financial problems but I had to control my collection with a dolly 'one in and one out' rule.

Then just right the next day, I received an email from another interested buyer :) What was great was that she was a local Canadian, so all shipping would be free and she can see the doll up close - which she did. We did a meetup near Scotia Bank, where my parents found that it was a good entrance to buy some food from the marts there. A very friendly buyer with excellent English-speaking skills.

She was impressed with the condition, I brought Sapphire in a red clothed tote bag, wrapped in bubble wrap (because I'm anal about good conditions) and delighted, she purchased my Pullip for an honest $115CAD.

My first Kijiji selling experience, and I didn't have to waste money on ads, or be charged a fee. It was safe and the location gave buyers an idea where I would be driving within. I was glad at least my family was around, since I couldn't help be a little cautious of who this person would be and luckily it was honest.

Then my family drove off on the rest of the shopping trip.

Date: 0ct 23 /03
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