Jupiter is now at its closest to the Earth in our life times, the last time it was this close, was in 1951. You can see the 4 moons with a low grade binoculars. Around midnight, it will be straight over head, and the brightest star in the sky...
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/09/100920-science-space-jupiter-closest-earth-uranus-brightest-full-moon/ http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/ataglance So there I was, on one of the highest elevations in the DC area, flat on my back in the grass, shielded by trees, serenaded by crickets and caressed by a cool breeze, there I stared into the night skies with binoculars to watch the Earth's moon and Jupiter's moons...
1) Lord there is nothing as stunning as the Earth's moon through a good set of field glasses or telescope, the craters, the gradations in colour...
2) I was able to make out what looked like one of Jupiter's moons, probably Ganymeade but that's just a guess based on distance and albedo.
3) Despite the light pollution, I was impressed as hell that I could see anything.
If only people bothered to open their eyes and look up...