Mar 11, 2006 14:02
Here is an excerpt of what exactly is wrong with modern neo-classical economics:
Barbara Bergman tells the story of an African-American Harvard professor who believes Affirmative Action was the reason he was made to feel uncomfortable in his job at Harvard (this man got his PhD at MIT and taught at Michigan before Harvard and is clearly qualified as a quality professor, if not Harvard standard)
Bergman then mentions: "Perhaps the reader is beginning to wonder about the appropriatness of Loury's appointment to the economics department at Harvard. But the reader should be informed that silly theories are no disqualification there,as long as they are expressed mathmatically"
And that is why I'm kinda glad alot of those type of schools rejected me. I'd just rather be less precise and more logically superior. Even if it means I'm less likely to get an influential job. Its the choice I made, though it'd have been nice to get into American...