So, I go to a website that shows me the last 50 pictures posted on LJ. I've noticed a few patterns. Here's the kind of person that posts pictures on Livejournal. Russians.
I seriously don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Ever. Sometimes they post porno. Ugly people that take pictures of themselves.
Apparently they've never heard of a tripod and a timer. Or a friend. Sometimes they post porno. Really bad webcartoons.
Most of the time they're in English, but sometimes they're in Russian. They're never funny, or artistic. Or well written. Sometimes they're furry porno, or gay drawings. *shudder* People with goals.
Most of the time they're weight-loss goals with funny little graphics, like a duck walking to a pond! Wow! That totally distracts me from the fact that you have 70 or more pounds that you NEED to lose. How do these people type without hitting the surrounding keys? Sometimes they post porno. NO. People's pets.
No one gives two shits about the funny face your cat made. Get some real friends and put down the well-worn "Amatuer Scrapbooking for Dummies".
Gay people.
I couldn't find a picture to put here, but I didn't look very hard. These people always post porno. And I thought I was bad.