present company..

Oct 26, 2007 11:48

Present company excluded: (anna, chris, and todd;)

I am not a Red Sox fan, but I'm not "anti-Red Sox" either. Yes I do root for the Rockies in this series even though they aren't going to win. Between the Yankees and Red Sox, I'm ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Red Sox all the way. But Blimpy and I made a very interesting observation about one of the things we don't like about Red Sox fans. Let me emphasize this again, PRESENT COMPANY EXCLUDED :) Red Sox fans all tend to look like Josh Beckett, who bears a disturbing resemblance to Scott Peterson.
Also, many of their 1st stringers look like date-rapists. Originally this was my anti-Rockies argument. But then I looked at Brad Hawpe and Willy Tavares. Compare those guys to Kevin Youkilis and Jason Varitek. And another big thing that I tended to ignore in the Red Sox VS. Yankees debate was the fact that the Red Sox have a big bankroll too. That's my biggest anti-Yankee gripe. It's a common one. No home grown talent or franchise players, just a bunch of big name, big price tag free agents. And it is 2007, that's all just part of the game. The Rockies just seem more organic to me if that makes any sense.

Also, I saw 30 days of night. WOW! People have said it's one big "gore fest" and absent many nuances that make a good movie good, but I liked it. The vampire gang was very fashionable (they reminded me of 'the arcade fire' a little bit in their style of dress and clannish structure) and scary. The way they gored into victims was positively disgusting. It made me wince and recalling it actually kept me up last night.
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