Firstly, my answer to QOTD, hands down, is this: ENGLISH, WITH A SIDE OF HEAVY CREATIVE WRITING. ;) (The original two-part question was "What was/is your college major? And do you use it in your current job or career?" though.)
As for whether or not I use it in my career? I should say say so! :D As we speak, I'm in the midst of writing my first
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But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, my brain is trying to wrap its way around why he appears sooooo goshdarned excited about a simple nametag. Was he afraid they'd get his name wrong or something? It's not THAT hard to spell. *grin* ;) ALTHOUGH typos ARE easy to make, especially if a lackey was the one to make the signs/placeholders.
I'd still almost like it better the way YOU have it on your icon to be the RL situation of things though, as him holding up a sign that says 'I'm adorable!' would totally be a reason for him to have that equally adorable grin upon his face. AND it would fit with his eccentric/quirky - yet also friendly/approachable - personality too. ;)
Name tag thingie or self-explanatory personality designation? Either way, the guy's sporting a killer/mega-watt grin here. AND he's wearing a Led Zeppelin tee. If I werent't already sold on RDJ (which I have been since the age of 5 - both for me, 1988 and for him, 1970 *lol*), I totally would be, upon seeing this pic. :D
utterly entranced by all
of those Downey pearly-whites... ;)
Haha, yes, that WOULD fit with his personality. People on el jay are effing geniuses with the icons they come up with.
As for the press junket? I think it's actually from much earlier than Tropic Thunder. Like 2003 or 2004. For Gothika or Fur. Or The Singing Dick. For most of the Tropic Thunder press conference/tour, he was Kirk Laz blond (but with a dark beard *lol*) and wore this camo-green military jacket whereever he went. And before that, he was Soloist!grayish and near-bald (aka had supershort hair). *lol* (Although between these two states, he DID have a stopover on 70s Porn Star/Super Mario Bros Island...) *big lol* ;)
~Sharma, pondering...
I want one for reasons.
OH GOD, THE MARIO MUSTACHE! Yes, yes. Didn't he grow that in anticipation of Sherlock? Isn't that what he said in the Letterman interview with it? 1 Up, Mr. Downey! ♥
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