Nov 09, 2006 10:49
Well the results are in. The 2006 midterm elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate declare a democratic majority in the House and the Senate. A woman will be the first ever female speaker of the House. That is pretty interesting in and of itself. I'm not sure how I feel about the election or about a Democratic majority in congress. I personally vote Republican. I am pretty conservative. I am not really sure why everyone is so happy because I am almost positive that the government is still going suck, just like it always has, and that the Democrats are going to be just as clumsy as the Republicans when it comes to policy and legislation. I don't really even understand what a Democratic majority would do. I mean, I understand that it can be harder for the President to push his own legislation through Congress when the majority is not his party. Its just that everyone is heralding a Democratic America as rapid change for American policy. I personally cannot imagine that a month after January, that the troops will be withdrawn from Iraq, abortion will be legalized, or that gay marriage will be supported by the federal government. I just don't see the possibility of such rapid change. I was reading reports about how everyone across the world was so happy to see the change and that "its the beginning of the end of 6 years of terror" I don't understand how these people (foreign "experts") make these grand conclusions that the whole world will be better just because of a change of party. I seriously doubt, now I maybe be wrong, but I seriously doubt that in two months, all the nations of the world will be praising America and scrambling in line to bow at its feet. I just don't see that happening. I think that people will still cry and moan about how Americans are really Ameri-nazis and that we are so arrogant and only interested in ourselves. I'm tired of being hated. I'm tired of being told I'm wrong. It seems like no matter what you believe in America, although you may be free to believe it, someone is going to hate you for it. Someone is going to call you either a backwards, religious fundamentalist, or they will call you a bleeding heart liberal (which I am not, haha I am so funny). I'd almost rather be apathetic than be hated for what I believe. But then that reminds me of who I really am. I am a steadfast believer in Christ. As a believer, I am called to be hated and to be disliked. The ideas that I believe in are to be considered foolishness by the world that I live in. So with all of this election stuff, with all of my uncertainties, and with all of my doubts, the one thing that I can delight in is Christ. Delight. That is such a sweet word in my mind. To take joy, to really rejoice in the glory of God is what I am called to do here on this earth. I don't really know what the next two years look like in America. I don't know what the next day looks like in America. What I do know is that life goes on, God is there, and He is in control.