The color of things to come........

Feb 22, 2007 20:30

Your Brain is Purple

Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.
What Color Is Your Brain?

I saw this on Dom's journal and out of boredom decided what color my brain is. Apparently based on a rigorous 5 questions my brain is purple. However it started me on thinking about my thought process in general. I assign color to a lot of my daily thoughts. For instance the months are colors to me as are the days of the week, and decades. If you tell me a date such as 8/24/1996 I see it as grey/orange/dark nameless color that exists in my head.

My breakdown is like this, however I must tell you I am only using these colors because they are the closest words in our language to describe it. They are not truly these colors, however I can't explain it because they only exist in my head.....weird I know.

January = shade of red
February = shade of red
March = blue
April = shade of grey
May = white
June = shade or red
July = light grey
August = whitish grey
September = grey
November = darker grey
December = very dark grey

I am not sure what is with all the grey type color

Monday = light orange
Tuesday = purply grey
Wednesday = bluish grey
Thursday = purplish grey
Friday = brownish
Saturday = reddish
Sunday = orange

I guess I never quite thought too much of it, but it is a little strange, and I am kinda curious where these made up colors in my head came from. Eh, who cares, what I would really like is a ligt saber so I could cut through stuff.

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