The art show auction has closed. Last I checked, I had one bid, on Last March, one from my penguin series. Big thanks to
kokeshikitten for coming up with the idea for that one. All my pieces are marked to sell for minimum bid after auction closes, so I might actually still sell some more tomorrow. The art show doesn't close until 5pm though, and we don't want to stay that long, so I hope they let me take my remaining stuff down before that.
I went to two panels today. The first was on Intelligent Design from the Sci-Fi perspective. Very good discussion, I thought. They talked about a few of the many examples of Intelligent Design in science fiction and fantasy and some of the many forms it's taken in those genres. One thing that kept coming up was the idea of characters in books knowing/not knowing/discovering that they're live are being written by an author. The second panel was on creating a "bible" for a novel series. I thought it was going to be about developing a history, mythology and religious texts for your fantasy world but it was actually about compiling indexes of information about your story, world and characters as a continuity reference. It was still a pretty good panel though.
The masquerade is soon. And I've gotten some more good pictures today. Will post when I get home.
(x-posted to