I just read the post in
ink_13 and
lovecraftienne's LJs of a news article about electing judges.
I'm too tired to come up with a coherent response, but I'll say that I'm not in favour of it EXCEPT for the fact that judges are currently, arguably, the most prolific and powerful policy makers in Canada and, as such, really do need to have some sort of public accountability which, so far as I know, they don't currently.
Personally I think the solution is not to elect judges, rather it's to reform the electoral system to the point that honest politicians can set difficult policy without fear of immediate blind retribution for an un-informed public, and to the point where slack-ass lily livered politicians can't get away with not setting policy just because it's difficult.
We went to Brighton today. It was lovely and sunny (for the most part) Nice pebble beach which, I have to say, I think I prefer to a sand beach. The rocks are all smooth, they still hold heat, they are less densely packed so the allow you to carve out your niche easily, and the best part is NO SAND IN YOUR SHORTS!!!
It is apparently a classic English sea-side resort town - complete with APPALLINGLY tacky penny gambling games and the like, but it also has a gorgeous pier with a cute mini-amusement park (complete with rollercoaster) - but it was also quite lovely and is a COMPLETE hippy town with organic pubs, and vegetarian and vegan restaurants GALORE!
Apparently all the sun got to me as I'm now feeling as though I'd been out for a night of heavy drinking, when in reality I've had about 3 pints over the course of the entire day (but ohhh what FANTASTIC pints they were - I like the Dark Star brewery!) So, I'm going to eat and go to bed, before having to train the new girl at work tomorrow. Yeah, I'm ready for that, really!