My lads are back! Hooray! We swung back into old routines: brunch, followed by lazing around, watching stuff and talking crap important stuff, like slash and food and fic and Derren Brown.
Then, my mother,
nixwilliams*, a small amount of
daniel-bethany* and I watched the replay of the Obama-o-rama Inauguration Spectacular today, which included some (or was it all?) of the America is Great, Ooh Yeah, Everyone Clap and Sing Along concert from the night before, which included a performance by U2.
So now, I have a question. (
lydia-petze, I'm looking at you!) In U2 slash fic, are there fics out there where The Edge gets called The Edge. Eg: "Ooh yeah," said Bono breathlessly. "I love it when you do that to me, The Edge. Oh The Edge, yes, like that, oh yes, yeah, enter me, a bit to the left, oh yes, The Edge, oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, etc." (I write ruly hot sexy fic, no??!?!?)
Because LOL! If those fics don't exist then THEY SHOULD!
Question #2: Is The Edge the same kind of alien that The Stig is? And is that kind of alien A TIME LORD? The Doctor, The Master, The Stig and The Edge all walk into a bar...
PS. Voting on
my poll is still open. Tell me how to live my life my lj. Now I'm thinking I want that lj theme but with my own header, which I will, er, make (or convince another Esther to make for me!) But I don't know if that mood theme even takes other headers so maybe I am barking up the wrong thingie. Halp, anyone?
*Nix and DB are, of course, the lads in question. In case anyone's confused.