Apr 27, 2008 14:10
Guess what I've been doing over the past week?
I know I used this icon for my Burlington post but I was saving it for an occasion I felt really deserved John Linnell to think I was the best ever (you know, as ~~motivation~~), and this breakthrough is specifically what I had been waiting for. Since last Sunday I've done my first response paper for Short Stories (only four more to catch up on), the first part of my eight-page midterm paper that's a month late and that my wonderful philosophy teacher is letting me turn in in two-page installments, a three-and-a-half page paper for Steven Bach so he doesn't fail my ass (and it was only two days late! And it met the page requirement!), and started my draft for Contemporary Irish Drama (which was due last Friday, so I need get that done but I've started formulating and writing it). And I've been taking more care with my reading, making sure I get more of it done and closely read! And I've been talking in my classes more readily than I have been! Huzzah! But I don't want to shoot off any confetti canons yet because I still consider this a small beginning. Though things are going great now the real question is, will I be able to keep it up? I need to make some progress with work today and stay relatively on top of things during the next month, and hope that my Short Stories teacher doesn't find out that one of my stories I turned in was an expanded version of something I had done for another class several terms ago, and I might, against all odds and indications, actually survive this term.
This really was one of the most difficult thing I've ever had to overcome. It's still a little tough not to freak out and paralyze when I sit down at my computer to work. I really need to push away the feeling of being overwhelmed in order to get anything done. It hasn't been easy, but it's getting easier, and that's a huge breakthrough. My teacher got back to me on my Short Stories response and said it was "insightful and very well wrought," and oh, I don't know, the word "brava" might have factored in there someplace. That was incredibly encouraging. I've learned that I can still do good work when I can get over my personal hurdles and make the effort, which is amazing considering that I've spent so long feeling like I no longer have any idea what I'm talking about and can't organize a paper to save my life, which is something I used to be really good at.
But right now I'm talking about doing work instead of actually doing it, which is a habit I'm kicking in the ass right now. I'm sick of only talking about things, of everything being just words. But I want to write about exactly what happened that helped me to reach this small beginning of productivity, though that'll have to wait for when I have more free time.
omg guys, I might actually not fail out of college!