Doing my part to put the "me" in "meme," two memes I'm finally catching up on from
Meme the first: Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.
Sonia combed my interests and gave me...
1. Zap Rowsdower
Oh baby, Rowsdower saves us and saves all the world! As the uber-Canadian anti-hero from The Final Sacrifice, he's the everyman no man wants to be. And it's thanks to him that we have one of the best MST3K episodes ever:
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My favorite part of the movie is when the bad guy with the Vader voice goes, "Death would be too merciful for you, Zap Rowsdower!" He's pretty much my hero.
2. missing Dana Carvey
Just think about it for a second: Don't you miss Dana Carvey? Yes, you do. I rest my case.
3. Coach Bobby Finstock's advice
I am sooo glad I got asked about this one because I love talking about Teen Wolf and such opportunities in life are sadly few. Bobby Finstock is the awesomely useless coach of the high school's terrible basketball team, and early in the movie for no reason he gives Michael J. Fox the three rules he lives by: "Never get less than 12 hours sleep, never play cards with a guy who's got the same first name as a city, and never go near a lady with a tattoo of a dagger on her body."
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Oh fuck it, you guys are totally in for a Teen Wolf post in the future. The movie has the worst music of any movie ever but also one of the best montage scenes to come out of the '80s.
4. going to bread
It's from The Simpsons when Lisa has to babysit Bart and he gives her a hard time about it. She tells him to go to bed in and then she finds him in the kitchen eating bread, and when she asks him what he's doing he tells her "You said go to bread." It became one of those things my brother Geoff and I picked up, something that doesn't particularly mean anything or is even that funny, but it's just one of those quotes we knew. Now we say it to each other all the time, like if he calls me late at night or if I see he's on myspace at 3 a.m. "What are you doing up? Go to bread." I don't think we ever say "bed" anymore.
5. instant foods
a) I'm a college student, b) I go to a school where cous-cous is a regular side dish, c) I have no money and no car, d) I sleep through meals and eat in the middle of the night. Add it all together and I am an expert in all things Chef Boyardee (no, not the kind you need a can opener and pot for -- the kind you microwave. Yeah, I'm that bad). I pretty much don't eat anything unless it comes individually wrapped and packaged in its own bowl.
6. Wayside school
Wayside School books by Louis Sachar shaped my childhood. In the 3rd grade, Mrs. Ryba would read to us after recess. My desk was in the front row and I remember sitting there and freaking loving Sideways Stories from Wayside and realizing that this brief session of story time was my favorite part of the day. In the 4th grade Ms. Engle read us Wayside School is Falling Down and when we had a book fair that year I bought Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger to read on my own. We had indoor recess (did anybody else have that, "indoor recess" when the weather was bad?) and I sat at my desk and was so into the book that I didn't even realize when half the class was talking to me about it being my turn for Around the World with flashcards (omg flashcards!). That's the first time I can recall being so immersed in a book that I lost sight of what was happening around me. Those stories probably shaped my sense of humor and creativity more than I know. (p.s. They made it into a
tv show?! I don't know how I feel about this!)
7. the Crypt-Keeper's puns
Oh man, Sonia, this is right up your alley. Okay, so you all know Tales from the Crypt is amazing, right? We used to watch the non-HBO version every Saturday night on FOX when we were little (and the cartoon version that was on ABC on Saturday mornings, and the game show that came a few years later on CBS, though it conflicted with Bone Chillers on ABC. Dear god, please someone out there know what I'm talking about.) Anyway, last summer I took a season of Tales from the Crypt out from the library because I hadn't seen it in forever, and my brothers and I were floored by how pun-ny the Crypt-Keeper was (how could we have forgotten?). I have a clip to illustrate, but seriously, prepare yourself for this because some of you may not be able to handle the intensity of his punning skill:
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He's an inspiration to bad comedians everywhere.
Meme the second:
1. My username is ______ because ______.
My username is johnnygoodtimes because that's been the name I've used around the internets for about six years now. It comes from a brief conversation I had years ago with my brother Todd as he was getting ready for a night on the town:
T: Do I look okay?
Me: You look like Johnny Goodtimes.
T: You mean Goodtime Charlie?
Me: No. Johnny Goodtimes.
And so I used that when I needed a name for the Weezer message board I joined back in my teenage years, and I love the name so I've kept it. Any other people you encounter with the name are imposters and, furthermore, filthy thieving bastards.
2. My name is _____ because ______.
I don't know if this refers to my real name or my livejournal name, because I'm not sure what number six refers to (but I'll get to that later). My real name is Alexandria because that's what my parents named me, roflcopters. All of my previous siblings (all boys) had four-letter names and when I was born my mom was like "lol fuck it" and gave me ten letters. It has something to do with knowledge and the library of Alexandria or something, I don't know, I can barely read. My LJ name is This Is Eleanor Roosevelt! because TMBG's Phone Calls From The Dead stage bit is one of my favorite things in the world and I love how Flans always yelled her name when he called in. My name has been that since around July, though I'll probably be changing it soon. Fun fact: Eleanor Roosevelt sounds suspiciously like Edith Bunker.
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
My journal is titled On The Subject Of Me as a reference to series of Kids in the Hall sketches in which Dave Folely would say, on the subject of himself, things like "If I were stranded on an island with one book, one record, and one person, I'd proably die of exposure." It's much too fitting a title for a personal journal.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
My friends page is called Robot Roll Call! in reference to Mystery Science Theater 3000 when they would introduce the bots during the opening theme. I like the idea of my flist being like the bots, though I'll let you guys fight over who gets to be Servo and who gets to be Crow.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
Well for a long time it was a Bowie-related quote from Flight of the Conchords because it worked in multiple levels, but now it's a TMBG icon I made a long time ago because I love them dearly and it's a good time for TMBG to be around. The quote is from their song "We're the Replacements" and I used it half-sincerely, because the photo I used is of them in their younger rockin' days, and half-ironically, because TMBG so purposefully avoid that generic rock and roll lifestyle.
6. My LJ name (you know how you can change that sort of sub-name thing?) is:
Okay, I don't know if this means my LJ name (not my username) or the subtitle of my journal (you know, the little italicized line in my profile). I'll address the latter, though. The subtitle of my journal is "I don't want to live in this world anymore," which is a lyric from the TMBG song "Don't Let's Start." It used to be "It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?!" from The Simpsons but I changed it last fall when I had to come back to Bennington after many months away. I was uncertain about what it would be like to return because sometimes I feel like such an absolute outsider here, damaged goods like that dented can left on the shelf no one wants to buy, and I felt a bit like I was being dragged back to something to which I didn't want to belong. Shockingly, it turned out okay, but the general sentiment of not wanting to belong to where I necessarily am still applies, if not to Bennington then to the world at large.