Feb 19, 2010 23:57
For Frank Angones, a chronological compilation of my Midnight Run liveblog from last year:
What's that soulful, smooth guitar? Is that Robert DeNiro creeping up the stairs? Why, it must be MIDNIGHT RUN!
"100 thousand, you outta your mind? It's an easy gig, it's a midnight run for chrissakes!" #titleofthemoviequote
"Alonzo Mosely, FBI."
Man, they really didn't waste a lot of time trying to come up with a distinctive score for this movie.
"Hey Eddie, you get any more sheet music? "Theme from Midnight Run?" No? "Jack Walsh's Theme"? "Alonzo Mosely, FBI"? No?"
Fuck it, throw in some more soulful, smooth guitar. Melody? Nah, let Ralph just wail around aimlessly. Who's gonna notice, it's 1988!"
Why doesn't Robert DeNiro star in more movies these days where he gets to say "fistophobia"?
I've never in my life forgotten how absurd this airplane is.
Who is more likable than Charles Grodin in this movie?
"Don't you want to be loved?" #thingsiwishcharlesgrodinwouldsaytome
zomg So obviously I remember loving this movie, but I forgot it has a moment that inspired one of the all-time Top Laughs w/Abe & Brian.
"His REAL name's Mosely."
"I'M MOSELY" #thingsmeabeandbrianlaughedaboutforanhourorso
Eyes on the road, Robert DeNiro! Eyes on the road!! #midnightrun
God this stuff with his daughter is so fucking brutal and sincere.
By the halfway point, these guys are full on BUDDYZ and I fucking love it.
It's weird this movie isn't in more script analysis textbooks, this diner scene is straight out of an NYU Character Development seminar.
This entire movie is made up of buddy duos:Jack/John, the two mobsters, Eddie/Jerry, Serrano/Sidney, I suppose even the mom/daughter counts.
Marvin's the only real lone wolf, and even he gets a few good moments with Jack (cf. "Yeah, who the fuck's talkin' to you?")
Uh-oh! Looks like Charles Grodin's stunt double is in trouble now!
I love how Robert DeNiro can knock any human unconscious with one punch in this movie.
Psst... Robert DeNiro. This is the part where you're supposed to kiss Charles Grodin.
Every car chase ever filmed should be intercut with the reactions of a terrified Charles Grodin.
Robert DeNiro's entire life dreams just went up in smoke, but fucking with the FBI is enough to make him grin ear-to-ear. Inspiring.
"Looks like I'm walkin'!" #basicallyafuckingperfectmovieforfuckssakeitssogood
That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you write a third act.
Ok I apologize for dissing the score earlier, this credits theme is fucking great.
Whoa! "In fact, Grodin has permanent scars resulting from the handcuffs he had to wear for most of the film."