Jul 29, 2005 09:23
Today's Daf: Shabbos 88
Hoo boy. I'm really feeling guilty for not checking my LJ for the last week. I kept putting it off, saying I'd do it later but not doing it.
Why am I so guilty? Because Daniel's grandfather died and I didn't post a damn thing in consolation. Daniel: You deserved better than that from me, sorry.
All right, I've gotten that off of my chest, now for some better tidings. I went to my orthodontist yesterday and got the good news: In less than 2 week I'm getting my upper braces off. YES! I've had these things on for nearly 3 years, and it's going to feel great getting them off. Plus the fact that next week I'm ordering my laptop for school (Alienware, if you want to know), hopefully getting it the week after, then spend the rest of the time arrainging all of the files that I'll be putting on it (mostly my 2/3 full MP3 player. 40 GB does get taken up in a hurry doesn't it?).
My brother announced that he and his girlfriend Rachel are coming into Chicago sometime in mid August so that she can meet my parents. I don't want to jinx or rush anything, but they've been going out now for almost a year, and I hope that my parents really like her so that we can get the ball rolling here. I also told my parents of my desire to go back to Israel this winter, to which they responded: "We'll see". The main problem now is that I have a cousin who's going to school in England next year, so this gives my parents and excuse to go to London. Only problem: It would during winter break which means that I'd probably have to go, and I can't go to both England and Israel this winter. I'll get it done somehow.....
White Sox have been losing lately, but so have the Twins, so that number is going down. Only problem is that the Twins are no longer in the wild card spot because the Oakland A's are, meaning we'd have to face them in the playoffs. If I remember correctly, we've got a losing record to them this year. Hoo boy.
Anyways, this post is long enough so I'll stop ranting and try post more after Shabbos (some of my cousins from Israel are in so this should be fun).
Good Shabbos to all