Also: The Jedi Council for thinking that "bringing balance to the Force" was inherently a good thing, and thus embracing Anakin. Prophecies are not always happy. Geez, these folks need to read some Ancient Greek.
I am with you all the way on everything. Mat/Tuon OTP. Lan/Nynaeve was so much better before they properly hooked up (I, too, though, love Nynaeve, for some unfathomable reason).
*stabs Elayne* That bitch needs to die. I hope Rand kills her.
I assume I am not alone in noticing how much Elayne = Ilyena?? *malicious laughter* So given that, I expect he will (though it will result in much more angsty whining than he already engages in).
I didn't even like her before she fell in love with Rand; she has just always bugged me, and now it's worse.
Oh, shit, I just realized I forgot to put Gawyn in _anywhere_. Sheesh.
No, you're not alone at all. But Jordan could do some redemption bullshit or something and have the wheel weave Ilyena/Elayne's fate a bit differently this time, which would be so sad. Beacuse at least the the angsty Randwhinge would be kind-of justified if he killed her, and we'd be too busy celebrating her absence to notice.
And Gawyn is so very pretty. Mmmm. (I find Aviendha theoretically attractive; she bugs me, but to a much lesser degree than Elayne, and I find mysellf thinking that, when compared to Elayne, I really like the girl. Though the Aviendha/Rand dynamic is really obnoxious.)
Oh, I hated the way the A/R... *ahem* happened. I was like WTF? the first time I read it. I stopped right there and went back and reread all their earlier interactions. And it hasn't made any more sense any time I've read it thereafter, either. This is why I ship Rand/Min. His relationship with her is the only one of the three I actually believe (and I hate that she hardly gets any "screen-time" when compared to the other two).
Aviendha, at least, I liked before the business with Rand. And she's not as whiney about him not being around as Elayne is, which helps her case a lot.
And I want me a Gawyn. He's the kind of boy you take home. Mat... Mat is more the boy you have a fling with over spring break and then never see again. Gawyn and I would have beautiful little blonde-haired, light-eyed babies (kinda like the one I already have, I suppose...) Too bad he's confused as to what's going on with the Tower.
Hehe, yeah. That was pretty... I mean, I knew it was going to happen, but then all of a sudden it was like, "snow, sex, lalala." O_O And, poor Min, she knew what was going to happen all along -- that Rand would be preoccupied with two obnoxious drama queens and she'd have to take the Understanding Woman backseat. Ghaa.
See, Gawyn's the kind of guy that I'd be able to stand for about a month, and then I'd need me a proper rascal to take home with me. Life would get too... cuddley with him.
And Lan is the one with whom it would be a drawn out and torrid affair but in the end it just doesn't work because there's more to life than sex (for some of us *wink*).
But Gawyn doesn't seem the type of guy who would let go after only a month. He'd fall hard and fast and be devoted forever from word one. And the romantic, fairy-tale dreamer that I am just goes *drool* for that.
There is more to life than sex for all of us. *gives dirty look*
I don't know, people who fall so quickly scare me. I like to feel like I've earned it -- the hard and fast fairy-tale style doesn't quite feel like earning. There's always the sinking feeling that what they're really in love with is the body, because they can't really know the soul so quickly.
*dies dead*
*stabs Elayne* That bitch needs to die. I hope Rand kills her.
I didn't even like her before she fell in love with Rand; she has just always bugged me, and now it's worse.
Oh, shit, I just realized I forgot to put Gawyn in _anywhere_. Sheesh.
And Gawyn is so very pretty. Mmmm. (I find Aviendha theoretically attractive; she bugs me, but to a much lesser degree than Elayne, and I find mysellf thinking that, when compared to Elayne, I really like the girl. Though the Aviendha/Rand dynamic is really obnoxious.)
Aviendha, at least, I liked before the business with Rand. And she's not as whiney about him not being around as Elayne is, which helps her case a lot.
And I want me a Gawyn. He's the kind of boy you take home. Mat... Mat is more the boy you have a fling with over spring break and then never see again. Gawyn and I would have beautiful little blonde-haired, light-eyed babies (kinda like the one I already have, I suppose...) Too bad he's confused as to what's going on with the Tower.
See, Gawyn's the kind of guy that I'd be able to stand for about a month, and then I'd need me a proper rascal to take home with me. Life would get too... cuddley with him.
But Gawyn doesn't seem the type of guy who would let go after only a month. He'd fall hard and fast and be devoted forever from word one. And the romantic, fairy-tale dreamer that I am just goes *drool* for that.
I don't know, people who fall so quickly scare me. I like to feel like I've earned it -- the hard and fast fairy-tale style doesn't quite feel like earning. There's always the sinking feeling that what they're really in love with is the body, because they can't really know the soul so quickly.
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