I've seen this meme floating around a bit, and it looks amusing. It does, however, require audience participation. So...
Tell me of a fandom you know I know of and I'll tell you :
1. The first character I fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I used to love but don't any longer
6. The character I would shag anytime
7. The character I'd want to be like
8. The character I'd slap
9. A pairing that I love
10. A pairing that I despise
ktbee's request, Star Wars (this includes both movies and books):
1. I don't remember who it was in the original trilogy (if there even were any; I was rather young), but from the prequel trilogy it's _all_ about Qui-Gon Jinn. *sigh* The beginning of this bizarre tendency in Hollywood now to kill off Liam Neeson's character. Grrr.
2. When I first met Mara Jade, I thought she was Bad News (well, she was, in fact), but now I find her fascinating and I think she's one of the more interesting characters to read.
3. I totally do not understand the obsessive fangirling of Anakin/Hayden (I mention both because the line seems to get blurred in most girls' minds). He's not that nice to look at, and gah! It's just painful to watch him "acting" onscreen.
4. Well, I don't know about "loving" and there are of course going to be exceptions to the "everybody hates" part, but I get the most weird, you've-got-your-head-on-backwards looks when I admit that I didn't find Jar Jar Binks that bad.
5. *sigh* Anakin had such potential. Operating just from the original trilogy, he seemed this romantic and tragic figure (and I'll admit that every now and then I have a thing for the villain). But either the writing or Hayden's portrayal of him has completely wiped out any fond thoughts I once had.
6. Han, Luke (Mara would kill me, but it might be worth it), Qui-Gon, young!Obi-Wan... what? I'm not boy-crazy. *shifty look*
7. Except for the whole falling-for-the-wrong-guy business, Padmé actually seems like an admirable young lady. Brave, determined(stubborn), clever. Definitely much better in the first two movies than in the last one. But, then, pregnancy does weird things to a girl, so I can sort of understand the crazy shift in her personality.
8. The Jedi Council for thinking that "bringing balance to the Force" was inherently a good thing, and thus embracing Anakin. Prophecies are not always happy. Geez, these folks need to read some Ancient Greek. (Though it could be argued that Anakin himself was not the one doing the balancing, but that _because_ of him, Luke was able to do so, in which case it is a good thing, after all.)
9. Luke+Mara=OTP! They make me squee.
10. Anakin/Padmé was handled very poorly, I think.
_on_a_stick suggested the Wheel of Time:
1. *edited* to add Gawyn, who is just so much the perfect fairy tale prince. How can you not love this boy? Plus there's nothing sweeter than a man in love, and he is besotted and it's so cute. Perrin always seemed _so_ sweet, too. His cautious nature is just adorable. I think I fell out of love with him somewhere between books 5 and 7 (can't remember now exactly what did it), which is about the time I started falling for...
2. Mat. The mischievous boy no good girl should like. _So_ not my usual style. But the boy has charm. It just took a while for it to work on me.
3. Hmm, I don't know that I've spoken to enough other readers to get a sense of who is favored and who's not. But Elayne and Aviendha drive me crazy (I hope I'm not alone in this).
4. I have always loved Moiraine. The couple other WoT fans I've spoken to have been pretty much *meh* about her. But this woman is why I keep reading the books (even while she's away). Egwene has been a suitable distraction in the meantime. Oh, and Jordan (my friend, not the author) can't stand Nynaeve, but I think she's fascinating and keeps getting better in each book (if only everyone else did, too).
5. Well, I mentioned Perrin above. And Rand is really starting to get on my nerves. He was okay before, but now he's seeming, well, whiney.
6. Mat or Lan. I prefer someone who knows what the hell he's doing. *wink*
7. Back to Moiraine. If you don't know why I'm so in love with her, find a copy of New Spring. The girl is cool.
8. ELAYNE followed closely by... well... not really closely. Actually, come to think of it, no one annoys me nearly as much as Miss high-and-mighty Daughter-Heir.
9. I love Mat/Tuon (got it right this time, Syd!) and Rand/Min.
10. Rand/the other two. *pulls hair*