Jan 20, 2009 16:49
I am happy to say that President Dumbass is no longer in office. I am feeling optimistic about Obama's presidency, however, I do understand that politicians are politicians for a reason. At the root, I suspect their differences can only vary so much. After all, Big Brother is watching everyone alike.
I cannot say that I have been feeling great today. I have a slight head cold, which I hope will subside soon. I also feel off spiritually speaking. I dislike this feeling greatly, but it's not too intense. I am hopeful that I only need a little prayer and meditation. I will make time to do this before I go to bed. That way, I can be sure to have an extended period of time to myself during which, I shall remain uninterrupted. I hope that helps. I am gong to go to bed early tonight. I feel like being alone. Oh, well.
Last night, during class, I was very open and honest with everyone about my addiction and how far I have gone in the past. It was extremely painful admitting that, but, I'm sure, it needed to be done in order to heal. Even more so, was the fact that it made me actually face what I had done. These secrets are not kept inside me forever now, and it feels good and bad. I was sure that I would feel better after telling people that, but, I did not. I felt relieved, but also terribly, terribly ashamed. I have a feeling that is why I feel off today. I don't know.