Quick update

Sep 02, 2008 20:27

Sorry I don't really have time to spend on my friend's page or anything, but I wanted to write a quick note in here while I have the chance.
First week back at work was alright.  It's getting better each day.  We're still tweaking things to see how the schedule works best.
Birthday party was on Saturday.  It was super fun.  All the family was there, of course, and each of us invited some of our friends.  Olivia had Ros, Nathan, Breann and Mary; Seth had Denise, Doug and Joisa .__.; and I had Danielle. =] Austin couldn't make it, unfortunately.  We had pizza and sweets and had a pinata and played Rock Band.  It was all very enjoyable.
School and work today.  I only had one class.  My math class doesn't start until next month.  I'm excited but nervous for English tomorrow.  We'll see what happens.  At work, Sophia brought me a little cake!  It was so sweet of her.  Mrs. McFayden also got me a cake, but she left it at home.  She said we'll party tomorrow, haha.  And a bunch of the fifth graders gave me pictures of dolphins that they drew during art.  It was really cute.
So, things are going pretty well as of now.  I hope everyone is doing alright.  I'll be sure to dedicate a night this week to livejournal, haha.
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