Aug 06, 2007 14:52
With my wife and children out of town, I finally plugged in "Halo 2", to see what the big deal is. And so far, I'm not really all that impressed. Lots of brown. And - gray. And more brown.
And an annoyance. After finishing "Resident Evil 4" on the Wii, a game which might be one of the few games I would say is "Perfect", and one that *every* would-be game developer be forced to play, I'm not spoiled.
I can't hit a damn thing in Halo. I want to just point and go "There! I want to hit that!", not wrestle with these slow, stupid analog sticks. I want to play the game like I'd play it on the Wii, there I can be pointing in one direction, but actually move my arm and just shoot at the alien instead of turning around, which means now I can't keep my eyes on the guy coming to my left.
Yeah, I know - Wii has horrible graphics, blah, blah, blah. But dang - I don't want to play a FPS style game on any other console now. I'm spoiled for life.