(no subject)

May 13, 2004 18:38

GOSH parents can be soooo annoying sometimes. Ok, it's like, my whole life that I've been in school, my parents never took interest to see how I was doing in school or anything, because I'm responsible (most of the time) and do what I have to do. It's so stupid because they never would care before and now suddenly they're all like "do you have any projects due soon? did you do your homework?" and I'm like "YES and I always do!". And its not like I have bad grades or somethin right now that they should be concerned about how im doin in school cus I make all A's and B's. I dunno, its just annoying to me. Anywho, today was a pretty depressing day at school today. This guy that I've went to school with all my life died yesterday in a 4-wheeling accident. From what I hear, basically what happened was that he was on his 4-wheeler and i suppose he would have had to be going fast to do this but he hit a curb and his back tire locked and he skidded about 60ft before falling off. They said that he hit the aorta artery which goes up your neck and he died. The irony in it all though is that him and his friend never would wear a helmet, but yesterday evening they both decided to wear a helmet, and that still didnt save him. Its such a tragedy because it's one thing if a person is really old or suffering in pain or something and it's best for them to pass on and be with God...but he was so young. Sometimes I wonder why God lets these things happen, but as they say, everything happens for a reason, although we may not see it now. It's really a shock when someone you know thats your age dies, and this was the first time for that to happen to me. You just never know when it'll be your time to go. But then again, its better to have a lived a good life than to live in fear of dying. Man alive, if MY kid had died before I did, I wouldn't even know where to begin in having to get over such a tragedy like that. Its not so much of his death that gets to me, because Im happy that he's in heaven with God now, it's seeing all my friends and people in my class crying and mourning his death. My friend Kristen's mom once told her, "You never know when something will happen to someone you love, and you didnt get the chance to say goodbye" and thats so true.
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