(no subject)

Oct 21, 2003 08:57

You drive to work, you drive home, and you watch them. They don't even realise that their cars have transparent bits. They are at their most genuine, because they are alone, or alone together.

they laugh,
they sing along with the radio,
they talk on the phone, using body language which is patently ineffective
they sing along with the radio LOUD, with their eyes squeezed shut and their heads tilted back,
they talk to the other drivers through closed windows, through windshields,
they cry,
they scream and scream at their spouses,
they drum on the steering wheel and dash,
they shake their heads in disbelief at the other drivers,
they - every single one - think they are an above average driver,
and some of them, a few of them, a very very few of them,
they look back.

They are honest.

People told me I would hate the commute. What a ridiculous thing to say.
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