Healing the heart - oracle of Hafez for the coming year

Jan 01, 2008 15:06

I consulted a traditional Persian oracle, the divân-e Hâfez, for the coming year. I have big, serious challenges ahead of me this year.

I got this ghazal and translated it:

ما شبى دست برآريم و دعايى بكنيم
غم هجران ترا چاره ز جايى بكنيم

دل بيمار شد از دست رفيقان مددى
تا طبيبش به سر آريم و دوايى بكنيم

mâ shabi dast bar ârim o do‘âyi bo-konim
ghamm-e hejrân-e torâ châreh ze jâyi bo-konim

del bimâr shod az dast-e rafiqân-e madadi
tâ tabibesh beh sar ârim o davâyi bo-konim

In the night let us lift our hands and pray
Let us make a remedy from somewhere for your sadness of separation

Your heart has become sick at the hands of helpful companions
Until we bring its physician into existence and heal you.

translation, persian, healing, poetry

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