money magick - kesem ha-kesef

Aug 09, 2006 09:32

I was given such beautiful gifts by friends at SpiralHeart camp, thank you all so very much. Of them all the one that meant the most to me was the CD of Hebrew Goddess/Witch songs from Israel, שמעו קולה Shim‘u Qolah (listen to Her voice). I've been listening to it every day, and hearing it just puts me into a better place. Bless you, Rena :)

I've started using the chants in rituals too. Last week, my friend asked me for a money ritual. We designed it and did it together, and I suggested "Mizmor le-kesef" (a chant for money), a very catchy, bouncy little tune. When I walked in the door she was on the phone to a choreographer saying "In college I nearly converted to Judaism, I was always at the Hillel Center, I studied Hebrew..." and in that moment knew I'd made the right choice. I taught "Mizmor le-kesef" to her in Hebrew and we included it in the money ritual. The song incorporates a fire spell, so we got out her cauldron and included that spell in the ritual. איש אפר ועשן שלוש לשם ושלוש לכן Esh efer ve-‘ashan, shalosh le-sham ve-shalosh le-khan - 'Fire, ash, and smoke, three to there and three to here...'

In three days... she got her money. And roses... and chocolates...

Yay for Hebrew Witches :)

music, hebrew, fire, witchcraft

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