Feminism Friday - Blogging for fair pay

Apr 18, 2008 18:05

Today is Blog for Fair Pay Day -- Women in the United States are still paid only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.

And for women of color, the numbers are even worse. African-American women earn 63 cents and Latinas earn 52 cents for every dollar paid to white men. Looked at the other way around: For every dollar a while woman earns, a white man earns $1.30. For a dollar a black woman earns, he earns $1.60, and for a Latina woman, $1.75.

A bill awaiting a vote in Congress would help women fight for fair pay. Advocates are pushing for the Senate to vote by the end of April, to commemorate Equal Pay Week. Call or write your senators and urge them to support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

It's time we took action to get fair pay for women! Pass it on!

Thanks to hari_mirchi who alerted me by posting this in the feminist community.

class struggle, feminism

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