Mar 05, 2008 07:06
There may have come to your Attention, Sir; some Report of the recent Investigations, of natural Philosophy, into the physickal Nature of Lightning; conducted by Mr. Benjmn. FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia: to wit, that its effective Principle, is a Fluid; & the Speculation, that one day this Fluid may be so employed, as to send Missives in a Manner yet more speedy & velocitous, than even that of mounted Courier: whilst the learned Savants of London & Paris, do dismiss all such Phantasies, as mere Folly & idle Japery; fit only for the phantastickal Tales of a Baron MUNCHAUSEN, or the Deliriums of the Turke, lolling on Oriental Cushions in the Seraglio of Constantinople, in indolent Dreams of Haschisch.
What think you?
Yr. obdt. srvnt.,
J-- H--.
As to the Possibility of Communication, by this ætheral Fluid; it is prima facie impossible, as these Charlatans must indeed themselves know, if any pretense to Learning they make. If we contrived to communicate thus, the Æther would soon be thick with the Miasma of our Writing; & we would retard the Earth's proper Motion.
Yr. most obliging Servant,
T-- J--.