Aug 31, 2009 17:23
I am not a beach person. This is the conclusion I reached after several days on a tropical island. I dislike the sensation of the sun beating down on my skin. It just makes me hot and sunburned, which means I am constantly slathering myself in greasy sunblock, to which the sand inevitably sticks, and hunting for shade. Some people apparently enjoy reading in a beach chair, but to me it just seems gritty and windy, and I can read in far greater comfort for far less money on my couch at home. Though I do enjoy snorkeling, I get nauseated (and kind of bored) after about 20-30 minutes and have to stop, and I don't really see the point of splashing around the surf, so the water isn't much of an attraction. It just leaves you covered in a film of salt and sunblock, which quickly acquires sand. I have zero interest in jet skis or water skiing, though I would enjoy kayaking, especially if it were overcast. But all the rental kayaks are for two people. I resent paying exorbitant prices for the privilege of eating or drinking in the vicinity of the beach, especially when the food is mediocre and there are very few vegetarian options. On the bright side, the fact that there was nothing to do meant I didn't have to feel guilty about doing nothing all day, which was kind of restful or a day or so, and now that I've tried it, I can say with authority that it isn't my cup of tea and I never have to do it again.
I had originally planned to stay five nights, and to head back to Bangkok the day after Joe arrived, but by the third day I was going stir-crazy and was ready to call it quits. Unfortunately, I got really sick on my fourth night and spent the whole next day wallowing in misery while my digestive track emptied itself by whatever means it judged most expedient. The lady who ran my overpriced hotel was really nice, though, and gave me some salt to put in my Sprite. By afternoon, I was able to eat two pieces of dry toast, and that evening I was able to eat toast with a little bit of butter on it. Fortunately, I was starting to feel better by the end of the day, and by the next morning I was well enough to travel. I very happy to get back to the mainland, and even happier to meet up with Joe in Bangkok.