Stuff's been going down, as per usual.
I'm taking a summer class on the Modern Middle East which has been super interesting. Just had my midterm. I think it went pretty well. It's been slowing down my ability to attend Jiu-Jitsu classes though.
And on that, a BJJ update. I've pretty much switched entirely over to the grappling for the time being. I enjoy the striking, and it's a bit better of a workout, but the sparring in BJJ is more fun. With how the form is put together, you can just go all out. And it seems more.. I dunno.. Useful. For the time-being I'm being submitted left and right, though I'm starting to pick up on some of the basics. I'm being tought alot of submissions and so on, but I feel like I need to get handle on more of a basic sense of positioning and weight distribution. I've gotten one or two submissions off, but most of the time I just feel like I'm being totally manipulated. I need to gain a better understanding of... I dunno. Philosophy. I want to feel like that whatever position I'm in, I'll know what I want to move toward. Currently I'm only able to attend twice a week which is a little frustrating. So. For the time being I'll set a couple goals: I'd like to be attending three times a week and I want to feel a little more confident in positioning. The latter I think is going to be a continuing goal for a while, but I'd like to set it before I a start making specifics in terms of submissions and escapes.
I'd also love to learn some sambo at some point. Throw in some unexpected leg-locks. Again, Hopefully Fred can enlighten me some time. Lemme know when you're planning on coming up to Canada sometime. We can seek out a mat.
UFC 61 was plain awful. The more I watch, the more I just want to be watching Pride. In fact, the most enjoyable bit was seeing good old Wanderlei Silva come on screen to make a much awaited challenge to Chucky Liddell. It'll be fun to watch him tear the crap out of the UFC champ.
Bike building is okay. Boring and lonely, but also very management free.
Amy's doing much better. She's decided to start attending school full-time in September and we won't be getting another car in the forseeable future. It kind of feels good to be free of that, especially with the pretty decent public transit that Hamilton has. Might be a little stressful in the house come term paper/exam season. We'll see. She's playing Ultimate again, which gives me more impetus to go out and play. That's getting fun as I'm feeling a little more confident on the field.
And I've found a computer game to play. GTA San Andreas funnily enough. It's fun to just go out and drive like a maniac when I've got a few extra minutes. The need for something medieval/fantasy is percolating though... Got to the point where I fired up Oblivion the other night...
This looks promising.