shawcrossedlove assigned me the letter "S" (I think she was taking pity on me).
If you want to do this and want to know what it is all about:
Comment, and I shall give you a letter. Go back to your journal, and write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation what the word means to you and why.
- Shoxwaken Hincks - anyone who knows me at all, shouldn't be surprised by this one, nor should they need an explanation. Hell, anyone who looks at my journal, should've figured this one out.
- Snort - my response whenever someone says something decidedly funny or just over the top ridiculous. I probably use it far too much. The worst thing is that I now do it in reality as well.
- Sex - yeah..well, ya know...when you earn the nickname "nympho" in college....
- Scream movies - three of my favorite movies. I saw Scream 2 twice the weekend it opened in theatres...I am that sad.
- Sadness - a state I live in most of the time.
- Sincerity - something I value in my friends.
- Simplicity - something I strive for.
- Sandy - one of my best friends who I rarely see anymore (although I'm having lunch with her tomorrow). She is also godmother to my oldest daughter.
- Sunsets - something I haven't seen in awhile, but probably my favorite time of day. It's when my life used to truly begin.
- Seth Green - my longest running celebrity crush. Pretty much been after him since he made Radio Days and Something Special