Oct 01, 2005 07:51

Well yesturday was the weirdest day ever.

So I was sitting in 5th period (it was 4th for Elsie)and I was thinking

"It would be so weird if Keith just showed up at lunch....that would be weird...but nice."

The bell rang and I was about to go to where I hang out but nait grabbed my hand pulled me and I kept asking

"What are you doing? what are you doing? what are you doing?"

Until I saw Keith standing there!!!!! O.o Now that was super duper weird!
but fun! Keith, Nicklei and I had a three way kiss! it was actully interesting...*ponder ponder*...but yes it was very interesting! and funky because as I thought of it I kept going back to 5th period just thinking about him....it was very weird! but considering it was my last day of being grounded that was the best day I had sence I've been grounded.

I came home and cleaned for a bit (like the bathroom >.O never again!) than grabbed my brothers CD and poped it in and started drawing........I drew Inuyasha! it turned out realllllllyyyyy good! XD

But sad thing is I have to give it away to a guy, he wanted me to draw him Inuyasha, he asked Tuesday so yeah.

Yesturday I drew a heart with an 'M' in it on my friend Angelo's Cheek.....face cheek.....sickos! lol! J/K!
But yeah it was funny he went around the school with a heart on his cheek! XP I'm so nice!.....what was funny was it was in perminate marker! XD LOL!it was funny to see his face when he found out it was perminate marker! it was really funny!

Well today I might go with Keith...hopefully I do!

TODAY I GET TO GO SEE CORPSE BRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Jumps and does a dance*
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