Apr 17, 2009 14:08
Wish I could say I've found work by now but after 2 interviews and 2 rejections I'm still unemployed and even though it is a blow to my optimisim I'm still pushing foreward, I know I'll find something just getting alittle impatient since I am already sick of living with my parents and we just can't find anywhere else to go, we're looking for a one bedroom or a Studio, we'd even settle to rent a room from someone if it was reasonable enough.
Anywho I'm doing fine all, working on a couple projects including the little business Tippi and myself have started up though she's doing all the real work I'm just doing the research and some of the grunt work so I don't deserve most the credit there. Been working on my writing, got a story moving along nicely, also working on some ideas for some of the fan groups I'm in. If there are any Trekkies reading this I've recently been promoted to the position of Executive Officer of the 6th Fleet for the Imperial Klingon Expeditionary Forces fan group meaning I'm partialy responsible for any and all chapters in:
Washington State
I also joined Starfleet International last year and started out at the rank of Lieutenant with a group in Florida, I'm now trying to form a chapter here in San Diego county since it's without one I've recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. So yeah, plenty of geekiness to keep me busy. Also looking to meet up with some old friends in SoCal and meet some new ones so feel free to contact me!